Attract & Retain Your Talents

Companies that trust us

KPMG logo

Losing women poses actual & opportunity costs


Our service image that focuses on education and knowledge building.
Our service image that focuses on specific support program.


Our service image that focuses on education and knowledge building.

Training Programs

Our service image that focuses on Taboo Topics Trainings. The image shows a woman speaking to the group. Press the image to open the page about our Taboo Topics Trainings.

Learn more about our Taboo Topics Trainingand inclusion strategies

Our service image that focuses on Bias Trainings. The image shows a woman speaking to the group. Press the image to open the page about our Bias Trainings.

Learn more about our Bias Trainingand anti-bias education



Learn more about our Taboo Topics Trainings


Learn more about our Bias Trainings

Specific Support Programs

Learn more about our company diversity programsand specific support programs.

Our service image that focuses on Fertility Journey. The image shows a man and a woman discussing fertility issues.. Press the image to open the page about our Fertility Journey.
Our service image that focuses on Pregnancy Loss. The image a couple grieving. Press the image to open the page about our Pregnancy Loss.
Our service image that focuses on Female Leadership. The image shows a woman speaking to the group. Press the image to open the page about our Female Leadership..
Our service image that focuses on Monthly Cycle. The image shows a woman speaking to the group. Press the image to open the page about our Monthly Cycle..
Our service image that focuses on (Peri)Menopause. The image shows a woman speaking to the group. Press the image to open the page about our (Peri)Menopause..
Our service image that focuses on Parenthood and Career. The image shows a couple with a baby. Press the image to open the page about our Parenthood and Career.


Learn more about our specific support programs.


Contact us for more information!

Awards & Recognition

We are proud of our awards. Look what we’ve already achieved.

image of the Prestige Awards logo

Prestige Awards


Appstore Rating



The feedback from clients and end users strongly confirms the need to transform our workplace into an environment where everyone feels valued and fulfilled. It highlights the essential recognition of women's realities and the necessity for raising awareness about inherent biases.


"Creating awareness and bringing women together is really important for the overall culture within Nike.I would describe the work Silatha does for Nike as: Empowering, Deep, Honest, and Emotional."

Natalia Kowalczyk

Business Development Director at Nike

Mondelez Logo

"Silatha helps to break through the taboo of Menopause in the workplace. We got great feedback from the participants.Silatha is definitely on the right mission to create a better environment for women but also taking the wider picture into consideration."

Barbara Schandl

Insights Lead at Mondelez 

Omnicom Media Group Logo

“Silatha stresses the importance to continue to talk about these taboo topics and to continue to educate and get educated about female health. It felt empowering to learn more and to also better understand how to support others”

Camilla Borgmo

Industry Manager and Client
Lead at Google

Mondelez Logo

"Silatha delivered an insightful work on women's health across life stages for our Mental Health Champions at Unilever. The engaging approach provided valuable insights and strategies that resonated deeply with our team. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and we look forward to more sessions with Silatha in the future."

Diana Mauri Moldes

Global Health and Wellbeing

Omnicom Media Group Logo

"Silatha work on Taboo Topics in Women’s Health for our global company was wonderful. The feedback from all levels and genders was glowing and our membership said they felt so seen and represented. I highly recommend them to any corporation."

Ali Pulver

Omniwomen Global President

What participants say


4.8 out of 5 stars

From the workshop participants


What clients say


5 out of 5 stars

From the companies


The feedback from clients and end users strongly confirms the need for transforming our workplace into an environment where everyone feels valued and fulfilled. It highlights the essential recognition of women's realities and the necessity for raising awareness about inherent biases.


"Creating awareness and bringing women together is really important for the overall culture within Nike.I would describe the work Silatha does for Nike as: Empowering, Deep, Honest, and Emotional."


Business Development Director at Nike


"Silatha helps to break through the taboo of Menopause in the workplace. We got great feedback from the participants.Silatha is definitely on the right mission to create a better environment for women but also taking the wider picture into consideration."


Insights Lead at Mondelez 


"Silatha work on Taboo Topics in Women’s Health for our global company was wonderful. The feedback from all levels and genders was glowing and our membership said they felt so seen and represented. I highly recommend them to any corporation."

Ali Pulver

Omniwomen Global President

What clients say


4.8 out of 5 stars

From the workshop participants


What clients say


5 out of 5 stars

From the companies

Participant of a Workshop


"Thank you so much. A new doorhas opened for me and it feels so good to share this with others and to not feel lonely in it. Thanks again for welcoming me and let’s stay connected andsupport each other in allowingourselves to be who we are."

Participant of a Workshop


"I have an appointment today at
women's health clinic... I
wouldn’t have known what to
ask for had it not been for
these sessions. I am learning
as I go. I am not happy to let
this impact life/ work and put
up with it."

Participant of a Workshop


"I love the personal approach.
The very clear explanations and
breaking through taboos. Never
before have I felt part of
something where I was together
with women going through ‘the
same thing."

Why choose us?

Still have some hesitations whether cooperation with us is worth the trouble? Check the reasons why you should choose us among other companies!


Our team has extensive experience in DEI consulting and a successful track record in creating psychologically safe work environments. We can help organizations attract and retain Women.


Our program contains corporate workshops, mindfulness trainings, access to experts, and peer to peer support via the Chat function of the Silatha AppWe make sure that our specialist coaches provide the most effective guidance and support in difficult topics, to create a psychologically safe work environment.


We continuously iterate and improve upon known DEI solutions. Our service consists of a specialized program that includes an innovative app - the Silatha app, which is a key component in the workshop management and communication tool for group facilitation. 

Attract & Retain Talent

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Nurture talent
with the
Silatha App

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Coaching & Workshops

Topic-specific workshops with monthly coaching and mentoring

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Mindfulness Trainings

App-based, behavior-changing meditations

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Access to Experts

Bring in expertise and teach ways of addressing the unique issues

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Peer to Peer Support

Create a moderated support group experience for your women who are going through similar life challenges.

Want to learn more about the Silatha app?

Silatha as seen in

Logo of Psychologies
Good Housekeeping