Our Events

DEI events aim to improve employee training and development and
promote diversity, equity, and inclusion by fostering dialogue, employee well-being solutions
awareness, and understanding among individuals from different backgrounds. See how Silatha helps companies on their DEI journey.

Check out some of our past events!


International Women's Day Celebrations

  • On International Women's Day at Google's HQ in Amsterdam, Veroniek spoke about Taboo topics in the workplace, from PMS, Endometriosis, Menopause, Andropause and many more.

  • People felt heard and understood, and at the same time everyone learned new knowledge about our own bodies and that of our colleagues.

  • Feedback: "More people should know about this! We should all share this knowledge and adapt it to the workspace!"


Biases in the workplace

  • Tata Steel’s Female Network gathered a remarkably diverse and inclusive assembly of their top leaders and factory workers to enlighten the discussion on improving the workplace for women in an industrial environment.

  • We raised awareness about personal biases and offered valuable insights on overcoming biases in the workplace and the importance of female leadership training. Witnessing how it resonated with everyone showed the importance of initiating conversations and defining the changes regardless of one's role.



Taboo Topics in the workplace

  • In Ringier’s Studio, Veroniek spoke about Taboo topics in the workplace, from PMS, Endometriosis, Menopause, Andropause and many more.

  • People felt heard and understood, and at the same time everyone learned new knowledge about our own bodies and that of our colleagues.

  • Feedback: "I had the chance to attend this workshop and it was a revelation. The content is so rich and your words are so relevant and touching. Thank you so much for this moment!"


Taboo Topics in the workplace

  • This Zoom-hosted webinar featured Veroniek discussing taboo workplace topics, including PMS, Endometriosis, Menopause, Andropause, and various others.

  • Feedback : "I wanna cry right now...I wish this conversation had taken place 15+ years ago. Nevertheless I am so glad to see this is taking a priority."


Menopause Awareness

  • Veroniek was the moderator for a panel of experts that she brought together for an inspirational discussion at Soho House in Amsterdam.

  • Feedback: "So much knowledge was shared, giving tools and tricks on how menopause can become an easier phase in life then it currently is for most women."