App based 12 month support program

This program is crafted to empower working parents within your organization. Parenthood is a beautiful journey, and our program is designed to support employees in seamlessly blending the responsibilities of parenthood with their professional ambitions. 


Our Program's Key Objectives:

Objective 1: Work-Life Integration StrategiesProvide comprehensive strategies for integrating the demands of parenthood with professional responsibilities. By offering practical tips and tools for effective time management, our program empowers parents to navigate the delicate balance between career aspirations and the joys of parenthood, fostering enhanced productivity.
Objective 2: Building a Supportive Network: Create a robust support network within the workplace. Establish peer support groups to foster connections among working parents. A supportive network not only provides practical advice but also contributes to a positive work environment, enhancing job satisfaction and performance.
Objective 3: Mental Wellness and Stress ManagementPrioritize mental wellness by offering resources and strategies for stress management. Parenthood can bring unique challenges, and equipping parents with tools to maintain mental well-being enhances their ability to focus, make sound decisions, and perform optimally in the workplace.

How it works



Peer-to-peer Support

Employees thrive through meaningful exchanges and support networks.
Our community connects parents with shared experiences, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment.
Professional coaches provide guidance and encourage resilience, creating thriving workplace communities.



Experts on (Peri) Menopause  

All our experts are certified trainers and coaches with substantial years experience in their field of expertise.


Monthly Workshops and Coaching

We work closely with small groups of parents in monthly workshops, offering personalized guidance from our professional coaches. Topics include releasing stress, purpose & goal setting, as well as work life balance.




Mindfulness trainings are techniques and practices that cultivate intentional and non-judgmental awareness of the present moment.
These trainings help individuals manage stress and improve well-being.

By investing in our Parenthood and Career Program, your company not only supports the personal and professional growth of its parents but also cultivates an environment where employees can perform at their best, contributing to a more resilient, engaged, and high-performing workplace.

Want to Attract & Retain Talents?

Contact us today!