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The global population of menopausal women is projected to increase to 1.2 billion by 2030. With 47 million new women entering menopause each year, it is the fastest growing workforce demographic. 

App based 12 month support program

Welcome to our 12-Month (Peri)Menopause Support Program—a transformative initiative tailored to empower individuals navigating the nuanced phases of (peri)menopause. 
Recognizing the diverse experiences that come with this life transition, our program is designed to provide comprehensive support, knowledge, and tools to enhance well-being and productivity during this significant period.


Peer-to-peer Support Networks

Women thrive through meaningful exchanges and support networks.
Our community connects women with shared experiences, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment.
Professional coaches provide guidance and encourage resilience, creating thriving workplace communities.



Experts on (Peri) Menopause

All our experts are certified trainers and coaches with substantial years experience in their field of expertise.

Monthly Workshops and Coaching

We work closely with small groups of women in monthly workshops, offering personalized guidance from our professional coaches. Topics include nutrition, sports and lifestyle, and focus.



Library of self-guided support resources

Mindfulness trainings are techniques and practices that cultivate intentional and non-judgmental awareness of the present moment.
These trainings help individuals manage stress and improve well-being.

As your company invests in the (Peri)Menopause Support Program, you're not only supporting the health and well-being of your female workforce but also cultivating an environment where women can continue to perform at their best during this significant life transition. The ripple effect of this support extends to enhanced productivity, reduced absenteeism, and a workforce that feels valued and empowered.

Want to Attract & Retain Women?

Contact us today!